[ #Office365 #SharePoint ] The new landscape for end-users, part 2: Modern lists, SharePoint Mobile app and more…

Fifth article from a series on [ #Office365 #SharePoint ] The new landscape The new landscape Old and new challenges and what to expect from MS Ignite The big picture The new landscape for end-users, part 1: Groups and Modern Document Library The new landscape for end-users, part 2: Modern lists, SharePoint Mobile app and…

Open with explorer your #SharePoint and #OneDrive libraries…

This is one of the most requested features by end-users, how to manipulate files stored in SharePoint and OneDrive libraries in the Windows explorer. Indeed, despite some great improvements in the user interface, like Multiple uploads for files and folders, Simple reorganization capabilities using drag and drop There are still some simple operations you can’t…

[ #Office365 ] Language settings…

Language settings in Office 365 can and should be made at several places. Here is a quick summary of where this can be done and what impact it has. 1. On the Delve profile, go to Office 365 settings The first place to go is to the “new” Delve powered profile, there settings will give…

[ #Office365 #SharePoint ] The new landscape!

First article from a series on [ #Office365 #SharePoint ] The new landscape: The new landscape Old and new challenges and what to expect from MS Ignite The big picture The new landscape for end-users, part 1: Groups and Modern Document Library The new landscape for end-users, part 2: Modern lists, SharePoint Mobile app and…