#SPSJE Back home

It was a great pleasure to meet last Saturday colleagues and local customers for the Channel Island first ever SharePoint Saturday. Organisation was perfect,  weather was sunny and we had great time with other members of the community ! It was great to meet live experts from UK, US, Belgium and France : @AndrewWoody @baddaz …

yOS News

My name is Patrick Guimonet. I am passionate about collaborative technologies, especially on the Microsoft Platform. Nowadays, a lot of new things are arriving on a 3 faces Platform known after the 3 flagship products: Yammer, the Microsoft ESN (Enterprise Social Network) Office 365, the Microsoft SaaS (Software as a Service) Platform SharePoint, the Microsoft…

[ #Yammer ] From Mailbox to Yammer and back

    I notice everyday that email options in Yammer are not well known or used. Here is a quick summary. First to send a message to a Yammer group, you need to get the address of the group ! So go to that group and  click “post to this group by email” : This…

[ #Office365 ] Delve first impressions

Here are my first impressions on Delve ! First how do we get access to Delve ? Since yesterday and the annonce on the Office Blog : A milestone for Office Delve, the Delve tool is  being rolled out to Office 365 customer. The first served (:-) ) being those who have elected to “first…